Brunswick Plantation and Golf Resort
Calabash, NC - Minutes From Myrtle Beach

History of Brunswick Plantation & Golf Resort


I would like to reminisce with you about Brunswick Plantation--its beginnings--our vision--our progress over time--and the current state of the Plantation.


Jimmy McLamb and I grew up here together; we have been friends as far back as I can remember. Tripp Sloane has been a friend since the early 1970's. By 1986 Tripp and I were partners in the Lockwood Folly Golf Community, and Jimmy was the Golf Course/Subdivision Construction Contractor (on my recommendation), the personal friendship was good, and the business relationship became strong. Over the course of time, we began to talk about building a community centered on our Southern Architecture and embracing our Southern Culture (Southern Hospitality). These ideas and dreams had not been formalized by 1989--yet they were clearly in our minds.

Then one Saturday afternoon in May of 1989, while I was visiting my brother-in-law, James McLamb, whose home is the first one on Hickman Road--we were having roasted oysters in the backyard--he made the comment that O.K. Bellamy (the owner of Indigo Farms) had come by the day before and asked him if he was interested in buying the 135 acre field he owned just off US 17.

I asked James if he was interested in buying the land and he said no--I knew I was, because Jimmy, Tripp and I had discussed the possibility of accumulating land in that area for a new community--I left the oyster roast and went straight to Mr. Bellamy's home and struck a deal with him that very day!

I called Jimmy and told him I had the contract on this land--I also got in touch with Tripp, and he wanted to join us. Over the next few months we were able to purchase land from International Paper Company; the Trest Family; my brother, Howard; Jimmy's mother; and a part of Jimmy's farm (now Moultrie)--by then we had approximately 650 acres, and, more importantly, direct access to US 17. We were on our way! That was enough land to get started.

The first chore was to choose a land planner/designer/golf course architect who understood what we wanted to create--and was willing to help us create the Plantation--the landscaping, the Avenue of Oaks, the Plantation House, the Brunswick House, the golf course and condominiums were all part of the original discussions with the Planner, Willard Byrd, from Atlanta and Hilton Head. So, also, were the separate, named communities within the Plantation. He well understood what we wanted to create, and he signed on enthusiastically.

At this early stage, we also chose Joseph Johnson as the Architect to design the buildings and serve on the Architectural Review Committee with us. Everything was planned before we started--not every detail--but the core building designs, golf course, and other infrastructure concepts were in place and we have stuck with those concepts all the way until now--and plan to continue on forward. Even the manner of naming the communities and choosing the street names to be used in the Plantation were planned up front. Incidentally, the communities are all named after a Southern city, and the streets are named streets in Southern cities or Southern plantations.


We were settled in our mind on what we wanted to create--we wanted a Southern plantation and golf resort that embodied classic Southern architecture, Southern landscaping, and Southern hospitality. We wanted to build a community we would be proud to live in ourselves, and one we would be proud to have our names associated with now and--after we are gone--we wanted to build a community that would attract people like you who would share our vision and help us bring it forward. A large part of that vision is for our people to be friendly and courteous to each other--wave and speak to each other in passing--as it was when we grew up here. Every community takes on a personal character--Brunswick has truly taken on "that Southern hospitality" character--and I know you feel it.


Six hundred and fifty acres have grown to about 1,750 acres; eighteen holes of golf have grown to twenty-seven holes. The Brunswick House has grown to include an indoor heated pool. The Avenue of Oaks has now grown enough one can imagine what they will become. Having these Oak trees was one of my special goals and a part of the vision--they were set during my 57th year--I remember it well!--The landscaped center median and front entrance with its fountains and bridge have no equals in the area--the flowers and fountains are beautiful. Driving through the Plantation is like driving through a flower garden.

Every day our visitors take pictures--I dare say our community is one of the most photographed in Myrtle Beach. We have become a desirable and popular destination resort and wedding site--that, in my opinion, is a compliment to our community and its beauty--and we see it every day--what a blessing!

As an aside, I know that many of you have noticed that some developers destroy the trees and vegetation on the land for development, even when not necessary, and fail to put trees and shrubs back--and fail to spend the money necessary to install good landscape and flowers--well, that is not acceptable to us! In that same light we observed, beginning in the late 1990's, golf courses (even in communities like ours) being closed and converted to development--that was not acceptable to us for our community either. Tripp, Jimmy, and I knew that as long as we are here and in control we would not do that--but we knew we wouldn't always be here, so we decided to grant a permanent conservation easement on the foot print of the golf course, which has the effect of preventing the golf course ever being converted into a real estate development--that was not an easy economic decision, given the financial condition of the golf industry in Myrtle Beach at the time. In order to protect the integrity of the Plantation, we knew it was the right thing to do; so we did it.

In the beginning, we placed landscaping at the top of the list of requirements. We hired a college-trained landscape man up front--he did a good job. When he left, we hired a man who had served as the landscape person in charge of a fairly large town landscape department. Heather is our third person in charge of the landscape program here--and I tell you for a fact she has raised the landscape appearance to a new high! She and I have spent a good deal of time together; I have shared my goal for the landscape program here with her. She is proud of her work and it shows--given support in the future, I am satisfied she will keep our place in fine order.

From an overall Property Owners Association (POA) management standpoint, we established a POA Management Division in the Company. Terry heads that department. He is a certified POA manager. Also, early on, we brought in outside CPAs to audit the POA finances. We also hired an outside expert to review our building and street reserves to see that our reserves are reasonably adequate--we have never had a special assessment--even when we added 24/7 security--that folks is a real accomplishment! Expenses have been tightly controlled. Terry and Heather, under my supervision, have spent no money out of the POA account unless it was necessary. As a result, the POA budget, in the last 10 years, has grown only 2% per year--and that includes taking on the full time security cost this year. I am proud of Terry and Heather's accomplishments in this area.

I also point out that Steve Becket, one of your fellow property owners, at no charge to the POA, has worked very closely with Terry and Heather on these matters--I personally appreciate his very valuable assistance. Cai Raber and Bob McLaughlin have been very involved at the Board level these last 18 or so months. I appreciate their hard work and what I believe is their dedication to the welfare of the community. These men, as well as the others who have served as members of the Board of Directors over the years, have been an asset to the community.


It is with a degree of pride, humility and sadness that I approach the Turn Over. Even though, under the community organizational documents, I do not believe we are obligated to do so at this time, Jimmy, Tripp, and I are all agreed that it is appropriate to do so.

We now have upwards of 1,200 residents and 1,565 dues-paying property owners. We have property owners who are well qualified to serve on the Board of Directors; we have a well-qualified POA management team in place--there is no reason for there to be any noticeable change in the operation of the POA. I have confidence that these people will manage this community well. I also have confidence they will remain true to our vision.

I am proud of the fact that under my and my partners' watch we have been able to manage and maintain this community with an annual cumulative dues increase of just 2% over the last 10 years (and that includes taking on full time security). Folks, that is less than the rate of inflation. We have done this while at the same time accumulating the necessary reserves for projected repairs and replacements to the Common Property.

I am proud of the fact we have never imposed a special assessment to carry out any project. I am especially proud of the fact that, as we Turn Over management to the new Board, we are handing them a company whose bills are current and one with $900,000.00 in cash and reserves.

It was with humility and gratitude that I thank Jimmy, Tripp, Terry, Heather, and all the other people who have been instrumental in running this community over these first 17 years.

I think it only natural that I feel a degree of sadness at relinquishing management of Brunswick Plantation Community--after all, my partners and I gave birth to it (I personally drafted all the Community Organizational Documents that created the Plantation)--and I have spent a good deal of my time these last 10 years in filling this role. Yet, I feel confident that Terry and Heather, under the supervision of your newly elected Board of Directors, will maintain the community in keeping with our vision.

By now I hope you all know Brunswick is and has been more than a business venture for me and my partners--I (and we) take pride in our community and that pride remains for the future. We will continue our role as Developers of the remainder of our land (or any that we may add to the Plantation in the future) in the same manner.

Mason H Anderson, President, Brunswick Plantation POA 24 MAY 2008

These remarks were prepared upon the Turn Over of the POA to the Property Owners.

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